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Creating a Global Community of Empathy: /liveamoment.org Revolutionary Approach

In a world where conflict and division often dominate the headlines, one organization is daring to dream of a different reality. Creating a Global Community of Empathy: /liveamoment.org Revolutionary Approach, founded by Deborah Greene, is on a mission to create a global community of empathy, one moment at a time. This visionary initiative seeks to connect people across the globe through shared emotions and understanding, aiming to bridge divides and foster a universal culture of empathy.

The Power of 3 Minutes

At the heart of /liveamoment.org approach is a simple yet profound idea: taking 3 minutes each day to reflect on our emotions. Through their innovative app, users are encouraged to:

  • Record their emotions daily
  • Connect with others who are feeling the same way
  • Engage in collective reflection

This daily practice of reflection is designed to cultivate a habit of mindfulness and emotional awareness, creating a ripple effect of empathy and understanding that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries. It’s a small step that can gradually lead to a giant leap in human connection.

The “3 Ft of Peace” Concept

Deborah Greene’s “3 ft of Peace” concept is inspired by the idea that personal tranquility can collectively lead to global peace. The concept is beautifully simple:

  • Manage your peace: Focus on maintaining peace within three feet of your personal space.
  • Spread the calm: Encourage others to do the same and watch the peace spread.
  • Think locally, affect globally: Start with personal peace to influence broader peace.

This philosophy breaks down the daunting task of achieving world peace into manageable, personal commitments. It’s about starting with what’s immediately around us and letting those peaceful vibrations spread outward.

A Global Map of Emotions

The LiveaMoment app does more than track emotions; it creates a visual map of how people around the world are feeling. Here’s what the app features:

  • Emotional Connectivity: Links users with similar emotional states.
  • Visual Emotional Mapping: Provides a global view of emotions in real time.

This global mapping serves as a powerful tool for visualizing and understanding the widespread nature of human emotions, promoting a sense of global unity and empathy.

Features of the LiveaMoment App

Emotional ConnectivityLinks users with similar emotional states.
Global Emotional MappingDisplays a worldwide view of emotions in real-time.

A Documentary Series: “Our State of Peace”

To deepen the global conversation on empathy, LiveaMoment is also producing a documentary series titled “Our State of Peace.” This initiative:

  • Amplifies Diverse Voices: Features over 500 individuals sharing their unique stories and views on peace.
  • Fosters Global Understanding: Each episode aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of empathy and community.

The series traverses various cultures and communities, providing a platform for people to share their journeys towards peace and emotional connection. It’s a celebration of the human spirit in all its diversity and a testament to the power of storytelling in building bridges.

Empowering a Global Community

By providing a platform for emotional reflection and connection, LiveaMoment is empowering a global community to:

  • Reflect on their emotional state
  • Connect globally based on shared emotions
  • Contribute to peace initiatives

This initiative not only connects individuals but also supports non-profits dedicated to promoting global peace, ensuring that participation has a broader impact. Every interaction within the app or engagement with the documentary series contributes to this grand vision of a united, empathetic global community.

Join the Movement

Download the LiveaMoment app today and become part of a global community that is redefining the way we connect and understand each other. With a quarter of the proceeds going to non-profits dedicated to promoting world peace, your subscription will also support a greater cause. This app is not just a tool for emotional tracking; it’s a gateway to a global revolution in empathy and mindfulness. Together, we can create a world where empathy, peace, and mindfulness flourish.


In a world that often seems divided, LiveaMoment offers a beacon of hope. By harnessing the power of empathy and community, we can create a more peaceful and compassionate world. This movement is not just about individual well-being; it’s about reshaping our collective future through shared understanding and connection. Join the movement today and be part of a global revolution in emotional connection and understanding. It’s time to make a difference, one moment at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the goal of LiveaMoment? LiveaMoment aims to create a global community of empathy, one moment at a time, by encouraging users to reflect on their emotions and connect with others who share similar feelings. How does the LiveaMoment app work? The app allows users to record their emotions and connect with others who are feeling the same way, creating a global map of emotions. What is the “3 Ft of Peace” concept? The “3 Ft of Peace” concept suggests that individual calmness can collectively lead to global peace, encouraging users to take responsibility for their own emotional well-being. What is the “Our State of Peace” documentary series? The documentary series features interviews with over 500 individuals from diverse backgrounds, sharing their stories and perspectives on peace. How can I get involved with LiveaMoment? Download the LiveaMoment app and subscribe to their services to become part of a global community that is redefining the way we connect and understand each other.

Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usmanhttps://mywapes.com/
Muhammad Usman is specialized in lifestyle blogging writing.Usman done his BBA form University of Karachi

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